Vulnerabilities (CVE)

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Total 4 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2005-0828 3 Ciamos, E-xoops, Runcms 3 Ciamos, E-xoops, Runcms 2024-02-14 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
highlight.php in (1) RUNCMS 1.1A, (2) CIAMOS 0.9.2 RC1, (3) e-Xoops 1.05 Rev3, and possibly other products based on e-Xoops (exoops), allows remote attackers to read arbitrary PHP files by specifying the pathname in the file parameter, as demonstrated by reading database configuration information from mainfile.php.
CVE-2005-0827 3 Ciamos, E-xoops, Runcms 3 Ciamos, E-xoops, Runcms 2024-02-14 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
Viewcat.php in (1) RUNCMS 1.1A, (2) Ciamos 0.9.2 RC1, e-Xoops 1.05 Rev3, and possibly other products based on e-Xoops (exoops), allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via an invalid parameter to the convertorderbytrans function, which reveals the path in a PHP error message.
CVE-2009-4156 1 Ciamos 1 Ciamos Cms 2024-02-04 7.5 HIGH N/A
PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in modules/pms/index.php in Ciamos CMS 0.9.5 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the module_path parameter.
CVE-2006-5257 1 Ciamos 1 Ciamos Cms 2024-02-04 7.5 HIGH N/A
PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in modules/forum/include/config.php in Ciamos Content Management System (CMS) 0.9.6b and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the module_cache_path parameter.