Vulnerabilities (CVE)

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Total 80 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2021-43522 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 6.9 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
An issue was discovered in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.1 through 2021-11-08, 5.2 through 2021-11-08, and 5.3 through 2021-11-08. A StorageSecurityCommandDxe SMM memory corruption vulnerability allows an attacker to write fixed or predictable data to SMRAM. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2021-41841 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in AhciBusDxe in the kernel 5.0 through 5.5 in Insyde InsydeH2O. There is an SMM callout that allows an attacker to access the System Management Mode and execute arbitrary code. This occurs because of Inclusion of Functionality from an Untrusted Control Sphere.
CVE-2021-45969 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in AhciBusDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.1 before 05.16.25, 5.2 before 05.26.25, 5.3 before 05.35.25, 5.4 before 05.43.25, and 5.5 before 05.51.25. A vulnerability exists in the SMM (System Management Mode) branch that registers a SWSMI handler that does not sufficiently check or validate the allocated buffer pointer (the CommBuffer+8 location).
CVE-2021-42554 2 Insyde, Siemens 31 Insydeh2o, Ruggedcom Ape1808, Ruggedcom Ape1808 Firmware and 28 more 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in Insyde InsydeH2O with Kernel 5.0 before 05.08.42, Kernel 5.1 before 05.16.42, Kernel 5.2 before 05.26.42, Kernel 5.3 before 05.35.42, Kernel 5.4 before 05.42.51, and Kernel 5.5 before 05.50.51. An SMM memory corruption vulnerability in FvbServicesRuntimeDxe allows a possible attacker to write fixed or predictable data to SMRAM. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2021-41837 2 Insyde, Siemens 29 Insydeh2o, Simatic Field Pg M5, Simatic Field Pg M5 Firmware and 26 more 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in AhciBusDxe in the kernel 5.0 through 5.5 in Insyde InsydeH2O. Because of an Untrusted Pointer Dereference that causes SMM memory corruption, an attacker may be able to write fixed or predictable data to SMRAM. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2020-5953 2 Insyde, Siemens 33 Insydeh2o, Ruggedcom Ape1808, Ruggedcom Ape1808 Firmware and 30 more 2024-02-04 6.9 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
A vulnerability exists in System Management Interrupt (SWSMI) handler of InsydeH2O UEFI Firmware code located in SWSMI handler that dereferences gRT (EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES) pointer to call a GetVariable service, which is located outside of SMRAM. This can result in code execution in SMM (escalating privilege from ring 0 to ring -2).
CVE-2021-45970 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in IdeBusDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.1 before 05.16.25, 5.2 before 05.26.25, 5.3 before 05.35.25, 5.4 before 05.43.25, and 5.5 before 05.51.25. A vulnerability exists in the SMM (System Management Mode) branch that registers a SWSMI handler that does not sufficiently check or validate the allocated buffer pointer (the status code saved at the CommBuffer+4 location).
CVE-2021-38575 2 Insyde, Tianocore 2 Kernel, Edk2 2024-02-04 6.8 MEDIUM 8.1 HIGH
NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe has remotely exploitable buffer overflows.
CVE-2021-43615 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in HddPassword in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.1 before 05.16.23, 5.2 before 05.26.23, 5.3 before 05.35.23, 5.4 before 05.43.22, and 5.5 before 05.51.22. An SMM memory corruption vulnerability allows an attacker to write fixed or predictable data to SMRAM. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2021-43323 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in UsbCoreDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.5 before 05.51.45, 5.4 before 05.43.45, 5.3 before 05.35.45, 5.2 before 05.26.45, 5.1 before 05.16.45, and 5.0 before 05.08.45. An SMM callout vulnerability allows an attacker to hijack execution flow of code running in System Management Mode. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2021-41839 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 4.6 MEDIUM 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in NvmExpressDxe in the kernel 5.0 through 5.5 in Insyde InsydeH2O. Because of an Untrusted Pointer Dereference that causes SMM memory corruption, an attacker may be able to write fixed or predictable data to SMRAM. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2020-5956 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
An issue was discovered in SdLegacySmm in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.1 before 05.15.11, 5.2 before 05.25.11, 5.3 before 05.34.11, and 5.4 before 05.42.11. The software SMI handler allows untrusted external input because it does not verify CommBuffer.
CVE-2021-42060 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in Insyde InsydeH2O Kernel 5.0 through 05.08.41, Kernel 5.1 through 05.16.41, Kernel 5.2 before 05.23.22, and Kernel 5.3 before 05.32.22. An Int15ServiceSmm SMM callout vulnerability allows an attacker to hijack execution flow of code running in System Management Mode. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2021-41838 2 Insyde, Siemens 29 Insydeh2o, Simatic Field Pg M5, Simatic Field Pg M5 Firmware and 26 more 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in SdHostDriver in the kernel 5.0 through 5.5 in Insyde InsydeH2O. There is an SMM callout that allows an attacker to access the System Management Mode and execute arbitrary code. This occurs because of a Numeric Range Comparison Without a Minimum Check.
CVE-2022-24030 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 6.9 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
An issue was discovered in AhciBusDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.1 through 5.5. An SMM memory corruption vulnerability allows an attacker to write fixed or predictable data to SMRAM. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2022-24031 1 Insyde 1 Insydeh2o 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 8.2 HIGH
An issue was discovered in NvmExpressDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.1 through 5.5. An SMM memory corruption vulnerability allows an attacker to write fixed or predictable data to SMRAM. Exploiting this issue could lead to escalating privileges to SMM.
CVE-2020-5955 2 Insyde, Intel 21 Insydeh2o Uefi Bios, Cannon Lake, Coffee Lake and 18 more 2024-02-04 7.5 HIGH 9.8 CRITICAL
An issue was discovered in Int15MicrocodeSmm in Insyde InsydeH2O before 2021-10-14 on Intel client chipsets. A caller may be able to escalate privileges.
CVE-2020-27339 2 Insyde, Siemens 33 Insydeh2o, Ruggedcom Apr1808, Ruggedcom Apr1808 Firmware and 30 more 2024-02-04 7.2 HIGH 6.7 MEDIUM
In the kernel in Insyde InsydeH2O 5.x, certain SMM drivers did not correctly validate the CommBuffer and CommBufferSize parameters, allowing callers to corrupt either the firmware or the OS memory. The fixed versions for this issue in the AhciBusDxe, IdeBusDxe, NvmExpressDxe, SdHostDriverDxe, and SdMmcDeviceDxe drivers are 05.16.25, 05.26.25, 05.35.25, 05.43.25, and 05.51.25 (for Kernel 5.1 through 5.5).
CVE-2019-12532 1 Insyde 6 H2oelv, H2offt, H2ooae and 3 more 2024-02-04 4.6 MEDIUM 7.8 HIGH
Improper access control in the Insyde software tools may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege, or information disclosure via local access. This is a software vulnerability, not a firmware issue. Affected tools include: H2OFFT version 3.02~5.28, and, H2OOAE before version, H2OSDE before version, H2OUVE before version, H2OPCM before version, H2OELV before version
CVE-2005-4175 1 Insyde 1 Insyde Bios 2024-02-04 2.1 LOW N/A
Insyde BIOS V190 does not clear the keyboard buffer after reading the BIOS password during system startup, which allows local administrators or users to read the password directly from physical memory.