Vulnerabilities (CVE)

Filtered by CWE-706
Total 45 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2023-42125 2024-05-03 N/A 7.8 HIGH
Avast Premium Security Sandbox Protection Link Following Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of Avast Premium Security. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute low-privileged code on the target system in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the implementation of the sandbox feature. By creating a symbolic link, an attacker can abuse the service to create arbitrary namespace objects. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of SYSTEM. Was ZDI-CAN-20383.
CVE-2021-22924 7 Debian, Fedoraproject, Haxx and 4 more 53 Debian Linux, Fedora, Libcurl and 50 more 2024-03-27 4.3 MEDIUM 3.7 LOW
libcurl keeps previously used connections in a connection pool for subsequenttransfers to reuse, if one of them matches the setup.Due to errors in the logic, the config matching function did not take 'issuercert' into account and it compared the involved paths *case insensitively*,which could lead to libcurl reusing wrong connections.File paths are, or can be, case sensitive on many systems but not all, and caneven vary depending on used file systems.The comparison also didn't include the 'issuer cert' which a transfer can setto qualify how to verify the server certificate.
CVE-2022-27778 4 Haxx, Netapp, Oracle and 1 more 19 Curl, Active Iq Unified Manager, Bh500s Firmware and 16 more 2024-03-27 5.8 MEDIUM 8.1 HIGH
A use of incorrectly resolved name vulnerability fixed in 7.83.1 might remove the wrong file when `--no-clobber` is used together with `--remove-on-error`.
CVE-2024-27292 2024-03-21 N/A 7.5 HIGH
Docassemble is an expert system for guided interviews and document assembly. The vulnerability allows attackers to gain unauthorized access to information on the system through URL manipulation. It affects versions 1.4.53 to 1.4.96. The vulnerability has been patched in version 1.4.97 of the master branch.
CVE-2024-27295 2024-03-01 N/A 8.2 HIGH
Directus is a real-time API and App dashboard for managing SQL database content. The password reset mechanism of the Directus backend allows attackers to receive a password reset email of a victim user, specifically having it arrive at a similar email address as the victim with a one or more characters changed to use accents. This is due to the fact that by default MySQL/MariaDB are configured for accent-insensitive and case-insensitive comparisons. This vulnerability is fixed in version 10.8.3.
CVE-2023-28643 2024-02-04 N/A 8.8 HIGH
Nextcloud server is an open source home cloud implementation. In affected versions when a recipient receives 2 shares with the same name, while a memory cache is configured, the second share will replace the first one instead of being renamed to `{name} (2)`. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 25.0.3 or 24.0.9. Users unable to upgrade should avoid sharing 2 folders with the same name to the same user.
CVE-2023-34092 1 Vitejs 1 Vite 2024-02-04 N/A 7.5 HIGH
Vite provides frontend tooling. Prior to versions 2.9.16, 3.2.7, 4.0.5, 4.1.5, 4.2.3, and 4.3.9, Vite Server Options (`server.fs.deny`) can be bypassed using double forward-slash (//) allows any unauthenticated user to read file from the Vite root-path of the application including the default `fs.deny` settings (`['.env', '.env.*', '*.{crt,pem}']`). Only users explicitly exposing the Vite dev server to the network (using `--host` or `` config option) are affected, and only files in the immediate Vite project root folder could be exposed. This issue is fixed in vite@4.3.9, vite@4.2.3, vite@4.1.5, vite@4.0.5, vite@3.2.7, and vite@2.9.16.
CVE-2023-28628 2024-02-04 N/A 6.1 MEDIUM
lambdaisland/uri is a pure Clojure/ClojureScript URI library. In versions prior to 1.14.120 `authority-regex` allows an attacker to send malicious URLs to be parsed by the `lambdaisland/uri` and return the wrong authority. This issue is similar to but distinct from CVE-2020-8910. The regex in question doesn't handle the backslash (`\`) character in the username correctly, leading to a wrong output. ex. a payload of `\\` would return that the host is ``, but the correct host should be ``. Given that the library returns the wrong authority this may be abused to bypass host restrictions depending on how the library is used in an application. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30257 1 Technitium 1 Dns Server 2024-02-04 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
An issue was discovered in Technitium DNS Server through 8.0.2 that allows variant V1 of unintended domain name resolution. A revoked domain name can still be resolvable for a long time, including expired domains and taken-down malicious domains. The effects of an exploit would be widespread and highly impactful, because the exploitation conforms to de facto DNS specifications and operational practices, and overcomes current mitigation patches for "Ghost" domain names.
CVE-2023-27561 3 Debian, Linuxfoundation, Redhat 4 Debian Linux, Runc, Enterprise Linux and 1 more 2024-02-04 N/A 7.0 HIGH
runc through 1.1.4 has Incorrect Access Control leading to Escalation of Privileges, related to libcontainer/rootfs_linux.go. To exploit this, an attacker must be able to spawn two containers with custom volume-mount configurations, and be able to run custom images. NOTE: this issue exists because of a CVE-2019-19921 regression.
CVE-2022-30258 1 Technitium 1 Dns Server 2024-02-04 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
An issue was discovered in Technitium DNS Server through 8.0.2 that allows variant V2 of unintended domain name resolution. A revoked domain name can still be resolvable for a long time, including expired domains and taken-down malicious domains. The effects of an exploit would be widespread and highly impactful, because the exploitation conforms to de facto DNS specifications and operational practices, and overcomes current mitigation patches for "Ghost" domain names.
CVE-2021-37315 1 Asus 2 Rt-ac68u, Rt-ac68u Firmware 2024-02-04 N/A 9.1 CRITICAL
Incorrect Access Control issue discoverd in Cloud Disk in ASUS RT-AC68U router firmware version before allows remote attackers to write arbitrary files via improper sanitation on the source for COPY and MOVE operations.
CVE-2022-30621 1 Cellinx 2 Cellinx Nvt - Ip Ptz Camera, Cellinx Nvt - Ip Ptz Camera Firmware 2024-02-04 N/A 6.5 MEDIUM
Allows a remote user to read files on the camera's OS "GetFileContent.cgi". Reading arbitrary files on the camera's OS as root user.
CVE-2022-31089 1 Parseplatform 1 Parse-server 2024-02-04 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
Parse Server is an open source backend that can be deployed to any infrastructure that can run Node.js. In affected versions certain types of invalid files requests are not handled properly and can crash the server. If you are running multiple Parse Server instances in a cluster, the availability impact may be low; if you are running Parse Server as single instance without redundancy, the availability impact may be high. This issue has been addressed in versions 4.10.12 and 5.2.3. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
CVE-2022-0855 1 Microweber 1 Whmcs 2024-02-04 5.8 MEDIUM 6.1 MEDIUM
Improper Resolution of Path Equivalence in GitHub repository microweber-dev/whmcs_plugin prior to 0.0.4.
CVE-2022-29445 1 Wow-estore 1 Popup Box 2024-02-04 6.5 MEDIUM 7.2 HIGH
Authenticated (administrator or higher role) Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability in Wow-Company's Popup Box plugin <= 2.1.2 at WordPress.
CVE-2022-29448 1 Wow-estore 1 Herd Effects 2024-02-04 4.0 MEDIUM 4.9 MEDIUM
Authenticated (admin or higher user role) Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability in Wow-Company's Herd Effects plugin <= 5.2 at WordPress.
CVE-2021-40856 1 Auerswald 6 Comfortel 1400 Ip, Comfortel 1400 Ip Firmware, Comfortel 2600 Ip and 3 more 2024-02-04 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
Auerswald COMfortel 1400 IP and 2600 IP before 2.8G devices allow Authentication Bypass via the /about/../ substring.
CVE-2021-39156 1 Istio 1 Istio 2024-02-04 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
Istio is an open source platform for providing a uniform way to integrate microservices, manage traffic flow across microservices, enforce policies and aggregate telemetry data. Istio 1.11.0, 1.10.3 and below, and 1.9.7 and below contain a remotely exploitable vulnerability where an HTTP request with `#fragment` in the path may bypass Istio’s URI path based authorization policies. Patches are available in Istio 1.11.1, Istio 1.10.4 and Istio 1.9.8. As a work around a Lua filter may be written to normalize the path.
CVE-2021-40539 1 Zohocorp 1 Manageengine Adselfservice Plus 2024-02-04 7.5 HIGH 9.8 CRITICAL
Zoho ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus version 6113 and prior is vulnerable to REST API authentication bypass with resultant remote code execution.