Vulnerabilities (CVE)

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Filtered by product Threat Intelligence Exchange
Total 2 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2019-3612 1 Mcafee 2 Data Exchange Layer, Threat Intelligence Exchange 2024-02-04 2.1 LOW 4.4 MEDIUM
Information Disclosure vulnerability in McAfee DXL Platform and TIE Server in DXL prior to 5.0.1 HF2 and TIE prior to 2.3.1 HF1 allows Authenticated users to view sensitive information in plain text via the GUI or command line.
CVE-2015-7238 1 Mcafee 1 Threat Intelligence Exchange 2024-02-04 2.1 LOW N/A
The Secondary server in Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) before 1.2.0 uses weak permissions for unspecified (1) configuration files and (2) installation logs, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information by reading the files.