Vulnerabilities (CVE)

Filtered by vendor Elrond Subscribe
Filtered by product Elrond Go
Total 2 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2022-36061 1 Elrond 1 Elrond Go 2024-02-04 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
Elrond go is the go implementation for the Elrond Network protocol. In versions prior to 1.3.35, read only calls between contracts can generate smart contracts results. For example, if contract A calls in read only mode contract B and the called function will make changes upon the contract's B state, the state will be altered for contract B as if the call was not made in the read-only mode. This can lead to some effects not designed by the original smart contracts programmers. This issue was patched in version 1.3.35. There are no known workarounds.
CVE-2022-36058 1 Elrond 1 Elrond Go 2024-02-04 N/A 7.5 HIGH
Elrond go is the go implementation for the Elrond Network protocol. In versions prior to 1.3.34, anyone who uses elrond-go to process blocks (historical or actual) could encounter a `MultiESDTNFTTransfer` transaction like this: `MultiESDTNFTTransfer` with a missing function name. Basic functionality like p2p messaging, storage, API requests and such are unaffected. Version 1.3.34 contains a fix for this issue. There are no known workarounds.