Vulnerabilities (CVE)

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Filtered by product Kubernetes
Total 56 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2020-8565 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 2.1 LOW 5.5 MEDIUM
In Kubernetes, if the logging level is set to at least 9, authorization and bearer tokens will be written to log files. This can occur both in API server logs and client tool output like kubectl. This affects <= v1.19.3, <= v1.18.10, <= v1.17.13, < v1.20.0-alpha2.
CVE-2020-8566 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 2.1 LOW 5.5 MEDIUM
In Kubernetes clusters using Ceph RBD as a storage provisioner, with logging level of at least 4, Ceph RBD admin secrets can be written to logs. This occurs in kube-controller-manager's logs during provisioning of Ceph RBD persistent claims. This affects < v1.19.3, < v1.18.10, < v1.17.13.
CVE-2020-8551 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 3.3 LOW 6.5 MEDIUM
The Kubelet component in versions 1.15.0-1.15.9, 1.16.0-1.16.6, and 1.17.0-1.17.2 has been found to be vulnerable to a denial of service attack via the kubelet API, including the unauthenticated HTTP read-only API typically served on port 10255, and the authenticated HTTPS API typically served on port 10250.
CVE-2020-8558 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 5.8 MEDIUM 8.8 HIGH
The Kubelet and kube-proxy components in versions 1.1.0-1.16.10, 1.17.0-1.17.6, and 1.18.0-1.18.3 were found to contain a security issue which allows adjacent hosts to reach TCP and UDP services bound to running on the node or in the node's network namespace. Such a service is generally thought to be reachable only by other processes on the same host, but due to this defeect, could be reachable by other hosts on the same LAN as the node, or by containers running on the same node as the service.
CVE-2020-8555 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 3.5 LOW 6.3 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes kube-controller-manager in versions v1.0-1.14, versions prior to v1.15.12, v1.16.9, v1.17.5, and version v1.18.0 are vulnerable to a Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) that allows certain authorized users to leak up to 500 bytes of arbitrary information from unprotected endpoints within the master's host network (such as link-local or loopback services).
CVE-2019-11254 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 4.0 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes API Server component in versions 1.1-1.14, and versions prior to 1.15.10, 1.16.7 and 1.17.3 allows an authorized user who sends malicious YAML payloads to cause the kube-apiserver to consume excessive CPU cycles while parsing YAML.
CVE-2020-8559 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 6.0 MEDIUM 6.8 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes kube-apiserver in versions v1.6-v1.15, and versions prior to v1.16.13, v1.17.9 and v1.18.6 are vulnerable to an unvalidated redirect on proxied upgrade requests that could allow an attacker to escalate privileges from a node compromise to a full cluster compromise.
CVE-2019-11252 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 5.0 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes kube-controller-manager in versions v1.0-v1.17 is vulnerable to a credential leakage via error messages in mount failure logs and events for AzureFile and CephFS volumes.
CVE-2020-8557 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 2.1 LOW 5.5 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes kubelet component in versions 1.1-1.16.12, 1.17.0-1.17.8 and 1.18.0-1.18.5 do not account for disk usage by a pod which writes to its own /etc/hosts file. The /etc/hosts file mounted in a pod by kubelet is not included by the kubelet eviction manager when calculating ephemeral storage usage by a pod. If a pod writes a large amount of data to the /etc/hosts file, it could fill the storage space of the node and cause the node to fail.
CVE-2020-8552 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 4.0 MEDIUM 4.3 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes API server component in versions prior to 1.15.9, 1.16.0-1.16.6, and 1.17.0-1.17.2 has been found to be vulnerable to a denial of service attack via successful API requests.
CVE-2019-11253 2 Kubernetes, Redhat 2 Kubernetes, Openshift Container Platform 2024-02-04 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
Improper input validation in the Kubernetes API server in versions v1.0-1.12 and versions prior to v1.13.12, v1.14.8, v1.15.5, and v1.16.2 allows authorized users to send malicious YAML or JSON payloads, causing the API server to consume excessive CPU or memory, potentially crashing and becoming unavailable. Prior to v1.14.0, default RBAC policy authorized anonymous users to submit requests that could trigger this vulnerability. Clusters upgraded from a version prior to v1.14.0 keep the more permissive policy by default for backwards compatibility.
CVE-2018-1002102 2 Fedoraproject, Kubernetes 2 Fedora, Kubernetes 2024-02-04 2.1 LOW 2.6 LOW
Improper validation of URL redirection in the Kubernetes API server in versions prior to v1.14.0 allows an attacker-controlled Kubelet to redirect API server requests from streaming endpoints to arbitrary hosts. Impacted API servers will follow the redirect as a GET request with client-certificate credentials for authenticating to the Kubelet.
CVE-2019-11251 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 4.3 MEDIUM 5.7 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes kubectl cp command in versions 1.1-1.12, and versions prior to 1.13.11, 1.14.7, and 1.15.4 allows a combination of two symlinks provided by tar output of a malicious container to place a file outside of the destination directory specified in the kubectl cp invocation. This could be used to allow an attacker to place a nefarious file using a symlink, outside of the destination tree.
CVE-2019-1002100 2 Kubernetes, Redhat 2 Kubernetes, Openshift Container Platform 2024-02-04 4.0 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
In all Kubernetes versions prior to v1.11.8, v1.12.6, and v1.13.4, users that are authorized to make patch requests to the Kubernetes API Server can send a specially crafted patch of type "json-patch" (e.g. `kubectl patch --type json` or `"Content-Type: application/json-patch+json"`) that consumes excessive resources while processing, causing a Denial of Service on the API Server.
CVE-2019-11250 2 Kubernetes, Redhat 2 Kubernetes, Openshift Container Platform 2024-02-04 3.5 LOW 6.5 MEDIUM
The Kubernetes client-go library logs request headers at verbosity levels of 7 or higher. This can disclose credentials to unauthorized users via logs or command output. Kubernetes components (such as kube-apiserver) prior to v1.16.0, which make use of basic or bearer token authentication, and run at high verbosity levels, are affected.
CVE-2019-11248 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 6.4 MEDIUM 8.2 HIGH
The debugging endpoint /debug/pprof is exposed over the unauthenticated Kubelet healthz port. The go pprof endpoint is exposed over the Kubelet's healthz port. This debugging endpoint can potentially leak sensitive information such as internal Kubelet memory addresses and configuration, or for limited denial of service. Versions prior to 1.15.0, 1.14.4, 1.13.8, and 1.12.10 are affected. The issue is of medium severity, but not exposed by the default configuration.
CVE-2019-11245 1 Kubernetes 1 Kubernetes 2024-02-04 4.6 MEDIUM 7.8 HIGH
In kubelet v1.13.6 and v1.14.2, containers for pods that do not specify an explicit runAsUser attempt to run as uid 0 (root) on container restart, or if the image was previously pulled to the node. If the pod specified mustRunAsNonRoot: true, the kubelet will refuse to start the container as root. If the pod did not specify mustRunAsNonRoot: true, the kubelet will run the container as uid 0.
CVE-2019-11249 2 Kubernetes, Redhat 2 Kubernetes, Openshift Container Platform 2024-02-04 5.8 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
The kubectl cp command allows copying files between containers and the user machine. To copy files from a container, Kubernetes runs tar inside the container to create a tar archive, copies it over the network, and kubectl unpacks it on the user’s machine. If the tar binary in the container is malicious, it could run any code and output unexpected, malicious results. An attacker could use this to write files to any path on the user’s machine when kubectl cp is called, limited only by the system permissions of the local user. Kubernetes affected versions include versions prior to 1.13.9, versions prior to 1.14.5, versions prior to 1.15.2, and versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12.
CVE-2019-9946 3 Cncf, Kubernetes, Netapp 3 Portmap, Kubernetes, Cloud Insights 2024-02-04 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) CNI (Container Networking Interface) 0.7.4 has a network firewall misconfiguration which affects Kubernetes. The CNI 'portmap' plugin, used to setup HostPorts for CNI, inserts rules at the front of the iptables nat chains; which take precedence over the KUBE- SERVICES chain. Because of this, the HostPort/portmap rule could match incoming traffic even if there were better fitting, more specific service definition rules like NodePorts later in the chain. The issue is fixed in CNI 0.7.5 and Kubernetes 1.11.9, 1.12.7, 1.13.5, and 1.14.0.
CVE-2019-1002101 2 Kubernetes, Redhat 2 Kubernetes, Openshift Container Platform 2024-02-04 5.8 MEDIUM 5.5 MEDIUM
The kubectl cp command allows copying files between containers and the user machine. To copy files from a container, Kubernetes creates a tar inside the container, copies it over the network, and kubectl unpacks it on the user’s machine. If the tar binary in the container is malicious, it could run any code and output unexpected, malicious results. An attacker could use this to write files to any path on the user’s machine when kubectl cp is called, limited only by the system permissions of the local user. The untar function can both create and follow symbolic links. The issue is resolved in kubectl v1.11.9, v1.12.7, v1.13.5, and v1.14.0.