Vulnerabilities (CVE)

Filtered by CWE-436
Total 48 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2019-19589 1 Wp-pdf 1 Pdf Embedder 2024-06-04 7.5 HIGH 9.8 CRITICAL
** DISPUTED ** The Lever PDF Embedder plugin 4.4 for WordPress does not block the distribution of polyglot PDF documents that are valid JAR archives. Note: It has been argued that "The vulnerability reported in PDF Embedder Plugin is not valid as the plugin itself doesn't control or manage the file upload process. It only serves the uploaded PDF files and the responsibility of uploading PDF file remains with the Site owner of Wordpress installation, the upload of PDF file is managed by Wordpress core and not by PDF Embedder Plugin. Control & block of polyglot file is required to be taken care at the time of upload, not on showing the file. Moreover, the reference mentions retrieving the files from the browser cache and manually renaming it to jar for executing the file. That refers to a two step non-connected steps which has nothing to do with PDF Embedder."
CVE-2024-20293 2024-05-22 N/A 5.8 MEDIUM
A vulnerability in the activation of an access control list (ACL) on Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software and Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to bypass the protection that is offered by a configured ACL on an affected device. This vulnerability is due to a logic error that occurs when an ACL changes from inactive to active in the running configuration of an affected device. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending traffic through the affected device that should be denied by the configured ACL. The reverse condition is also true—traffic that should be permitted could be denied by the configured ACL. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to bypass configured ACL protections on the affected device, allowing the attacker to access trusted networks that the device might be protecting. Note: This vulnerability applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic as well as dual-stack ACL configurations in which both IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs are configured on an interface.
CVE-2019-25101 1 Turbogears Project 1 Turbogears 2024-05-17 6.5 MEDIUM 9.8 CRITICAL
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in OnShift TurboGears This affects an unknown part of the file turbogears/ of the component HTTP Header Handler. The manipulation leads to http response splitting. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. Upgrading to version is able to address this issue. The patch is named f68bbaba47f4474e1da553aa51564a73e1d92a84. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-220059.
CVE-2023-39481 2024-05-03 N/A 6.6 MEDIUM
Softing Secure Integration Server Interpretation Conflict Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Softing Secure Integration Server. Although authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability, the existing authentication mechanism can be bypassed. The specific flaw exists within the web server. The issue results from an inconsistency in URI parsing between NGINX and application code. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-20551.
CVE-2024-3386 2024-04-10 N/A 5.3 MEDIUM
An incorrect string comparison vulnerability in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS software prevents Predefined Decryption Exclusions from functioning as intended. This can cause traffic destined for domains that are not specified in Predefined Decryption Exclusions to be unintentionally excluded from decryption.
CVE-2023-32708 1 Splunk 2 Splunk, Splunk Cloud Platform 2024-04-10 N/A 8.8 HIGH
In Splunk Enterprise versions below 9.0.5, 8.2.11, and 8.1.14, and Splunk Cloud Platform versions below 9.0.2303.100, a low-privileged user can trigger an HTTP response splitting vulnerability with the ‘rest’ SPL command that lets them potentially access other REST endpoints in the system arbitrarily.
CVE-2024-29034 2024-03-25 N/A 6.8 MEDIUM
CarrierWave is a solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks. The vulnerability CVE-2023-49090 wasn't fully addressed. This vulnerability is caused by the fact that when uploading to object storage, including Amazon S3, it is possible to set a Content-Type value that is interpreted by browsers to be different from what's allowed by `content_type_allowlist`, by providing multiple values separated by commas. This bypassed value can be used to cause XSS. Upgrade to 3.0.7 or 2.2.6.
CVE-2021-34699 1 Cisco 2 Ios, Ios Xe 2024-03-04 6.8 MEDIUM 7.7 HIGH
A vulnerability in the TrustSec CLI parser of Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS XE Software could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to cause an affected device to reload. This vulnerability is due to an improper interaction between the web UI and the CLI parser. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by requesting a particular CLI command to be run through the web UI. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to cause the device to reload, resulting in a denial of service (DoS) condition.
CVE-2024-24754 1 Mnapoli 1 Bref 2024-02-09 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
Bref enable serverless PHP on AWS Lambda. When Bref is used with the Event-Driven Function runtime and the handler is a `RequestHandlerInterface`, then the Lambda event is converted to a PSR7 object. During the conversion process, if the request is a MultiPart, each part is parsed and its content added in the `$files` or `$parsedBody` arrays. The conversion process produces a different output compared to the one of plain PHP when keys ending with and open square bracket ([) are used. Based on the application logic the difference in the body parsing might lead to vulnerabilities and/or undefined behaviors. This vulnerability is patched in 2.1.13.
CVE-2024-24753 1 Mnapoli 1 Bref 2024-02-09 N/A 6.5 MEDIUM
Bref enable serverless PHP on AWS Lambda. When Bref is used in combination with an API Gateway with the v2 format, it does not handle multiple values headers. If PHP generates a response with two headers having the same key but different values only the latest one is kept. If an application relies on multiple headers with the same key being set for security reasons, then Bref would lower the application security. For example, if an application sets multiple `Content-Security-Policy` headers, then Bref would just reflect the latest one. This vulnerability is patched in 2.1.12.
CVE-2023-49284 1 Fishshell 1 Fish 2024-02-05 N/A 6.6 MEDIUM
fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for macOS, Linux, and the rest of the family. fish shell uses certain Unicode non-characters internally for marking wildcards and expansions. It will incorrectly allow these markers to be read on command substitution output, rather than transforming them into a safe internal representation. While this may cause unexpected behavior with direct input (for example, echo \UFDD2HOME has the same output as echo $HOME), this may become a minor security problem if the output is being fed from an external program into a command substitution where this output may not be expected. This design flaw was introduced in very early versions of fish, predating the version control system, and is thought to be present in every version of fish released in the last 15 years or more, although with different characters. Code execution does not appear to be possible, but denial of service (through large brace expansion) or information disclosure (such as variable expansion) is potentially possible under certain circumstances. fish shell 3.6.2 has been released to correct this issue. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2023-48256 1 Bosch 21 Nexo-os, Nexo Cordless Nutrunner Nxa011s-36v-b \(0608842012\), Nexo Cordless Nutrunner Nxa011s-36v \(0608842011\) and 18 more 2024-02-05 N/A 6.3 MEDIUM
The vulnerability allows a remote attacker to inject arbitrary HTTP response headers or manipulate HTTP response bodies inside a victim’s session via a crafted URL or HTTP request.
CVE-2022-48471 1 Huawei 2 Bisheng-wnm, Bisheng-wnm Firmware 2024-02-04 N/A 7.5 HIGH
There is a misinterpretation of input vulnerability in Huawei Printer. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause the printer service to be abnormal.
CVE-2023-29197 2 Fedoraproject, Guzzlephp 2 Fedora, Psr-7 2024-02-04 N/A 7.5 HIGH
guzzlehttp/psr7 is a PSR-7 HTTP message library implementation in PHP. Affected versions are subject to improper header parsing. An attacker could sneak in a newline (\n) into both the header names and values. While the specification states that \r\n\r\n is used to terminate the header list, many servers in the wild will also accept \n\n. This is a follow-up to CVE-2022-24775 where the fix was incomplete. The issue has been patched in versions 1.9.1 and 2.4.5. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability. Users are advised to upgrade.
CVE-2023-30541 1 Openzeppelin 2 Contracts, Contracts Upgradeable 2024-02-04 N/A 5.3 MEDIUM
OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. A function in the implementation contract may be inaccessible if its selector clashes with one of the proxy's own selectors. Specifically, if the clashing function has a different signature with incompatible ABI encoding, the proxy could revert while attempting to decode the arguments from calldata. The probability of an accidental clash is negligible, but one could be caused deliberately and could cause a reduction in availability. The issue has been fixed in version 4.8.3. As a workaround if a function appears to be inaccessible for this reason, it may be possible to craft the calldata such that ABI decoding does not fail at the proxy and the function is properly proxied through.
CVE-2023-29406 1 Golang 1 Go 2024-02-04 N/A 6.5 MEDIUM
The HTTP/1 client does not fully validate the contents of the Host header. A maliciously crafted Host header can inject additional headers or entire requests. With fix, the HTTP/1 client now refuses to send requests containing an invalid Request.Host or Request.URL.Host value.
CVE-2022-48473 1 Huawei 2 Bisheng-wnm, Bisheng-wnm Firmware 2024-02-04 N/A 7.5 HIGH
There is a misinterpretation of input vulnerability in Huawei Printer. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause the printer service to be abnormal.
CVE-2023-30536 1 Slimframework 1 Slim Psr-7 2024-02-04 N/A 6.5 MEDIUM
slim/psr7 is a PSR-7 implementation for use with Slim 4. In versions prior to 1.6.1 an attacker could sneak in a newline (\n) into both the header names and values. While the specification states that \r\n\r\n is used to terminate the header list, many servers in the wild will also accept \n\n. An attacker that is able to control the header names that are passed to Slilm-Psr7 would be able to intentionally craft invalid messages, possibly causing application errors or invalid HTTP requests being sent out with an PSR-18 HTTP client. The latter might present a denial of service vector if a remote service’s web application firewall bans the application due to the receipt of malformed requests. The issue has been patched in version 1.6.1. There are no known workarounds to this issue. Users are advised to upgrade.
CVE-2023-36456 1 Goauthentik 1 Authentik 2024-02-04 N/A 7.3 HIGH
authentik is an open-source Identity Provider. Prior to versions 2023.4.3 and 2023.5.5, authentik does not verify the source of the X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP headers, both in the Python code and the go code. Only authentik setups that are directly accessible by users without a reverse proxy are susceptible to this. Possible spoofing of IP addresses in logs, downstream applications proxied by (built in) outpost, IP bypassing in custom flows if used. This poses a possible security risk when someone has flows or policies that check the user's IP address, e.g. when they want to ignore the user's 2 factor authentication when the user is connected to the company network. A second security risk is that the IP addresses in the logfiles and user sessions are not reliable anymore. Anybody can spoof this address and one cannot verify that the user has logged in from the IP address that is in their account's log. A third risk is that this header is passed on to the proxied application behind an outpost. The application may do any kind of verification, logging, blocking or rate limiting based on the IP address, and this IP address can be overridden by anybody that want to. Versions 2023.4.3 and 2023.5.5 contain a patch for this issue.
CVE-2023-22998 1 Linux 1 Linux Kernel 2024-02-04 N/A 5.5 MEDIUM
In the Linux kernel before 6.0.3, drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_object.c misinterprets the drm_gem_shmem_get_sg_table return value (expects it to be NULL in the error case, whereas it is actually an error pointer).