Vulnerabilities (CVE)

Filtered by CWE-426
Total 476 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2021-28249 1 Ca 1 Ehealth Performance Manager 2024-05-17 7.2 HIGH 8.8 HIGH
** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** CA eHealth Performance Manager through is affected by Privilege Escalation via a Dynamically Linked Shared Object Library. To exploit the vulnerability, the ehealth user must create a malicious library in the writable RPATH, to be dynamically linked when the FtpCollector executable is run. The code in the library will be executed as the root user. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer.
CVE-2019-9116 2 Microsoft, Sublimetext 2 Windows 7, Sublime Text 3 2024-05-17 6.8 MEDIUM 7.8 HIGH
** DISPUTED ** DLL hijacking is possible in Sublime Text 3 version 3.1.1 build 3176 on 32-bit Windows platforms because a Trojan horse api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.dll or api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.dll file may be loaded if a victim uses sublime_text.exe to open a .txt file within an attacker's %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\sublime_text folder. NOTE: the vendor's position is "This does not appear to be a bug with Sublime Text, but rather one with Windows that has been patched."
CVE-2011-3640 3 Apple, Google, Microsoft 3 Macos, Chrome, Windows 2024-05-17 7.1 HIGH N/A
** DISPUTED ** Untrusted search path vulnerability in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS), as used in Google Chrome before 17 on Windows and Mac OS X, might allow local users to gain privileges via a Trojan horse pkcs11.txt file in a top-level directory. NOTE: the vendor's response was "Strange behavior, but we're not treating this as a security bug."
CVE-2024-28133 2024-05-14 N/A 7.8 HIGH
A local low privileged attacker can use an untrusted search path in a CHARX system utility to gain root privileges. 
CVE-2024-32019 2024-04-15 N/A 8.8 HIGH
Netdata is an open source observability tool. In affected versions the `ndsudo` tool shipped with affected versions of the Netdata Agent allows an attacker to run arbitrary programs with root permissions. The `ndsudo` tool is packaged as a `root`-owned executable with the SUID bit set. It only runs a restricted set of external commands, but its search paths are supplied by the `PATH` environment variable. This allows an attacker to control where `ndsudo` looks for these commands, which may be a path the attacker has write access to. This may lead to local privilege escalation. This vulnerability has been addressed in versions 1.45.3 and 1.45.2-169. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-20693 2024-04-10 N/A 7.8 HIGH
Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
CVE-2024-20754 2024-03-18 N/A 7.5 HIGH
Lightroom Desktop versions 7.1.2 and earlier are affected by an Untrusted Search Path vulnerability that could result in arbitrary code execution in the context of the current user. If the application uses a search path to locate critical resources such as programs, then an attacker could modify that search path to point to a malicious program, which the targeted application would then execute. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction in that a victim must open a malicious file.
CVE-2024-27303 2024-03-06 N/A 7.3 HIGH
electron-builder is a solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron, Proton Native app for macOS, Windows and Linux. A vulnerability that only affects eletron-builder prior to 24.13.2 in Windows, the NSIS installer makes a system call to open cmd.exe via NSExec in the `.nsh` installer script. NSExec by default searches the current directory of where the installer is located before searching `PATH`. This means that if an attacker can place a malicious executable file named cmd.exe in the same folder as the installer, the installer will run the malicious file. Version 24.13.2 fixes this issue. No known workaround exists. The code executes at the installer-level before the app is present on the system, so there's no way to check if it exists in a current installer.
CVE-2024-25103 2024-03-06 N/A 6.3 MEDIUM
This vulnerability exists in AppSamvid software due to the usage of vulnerable and outdated components. An attacker with local administrative privileges could exploit this by placing malicious DLLs on the targeted system. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary code on the targeted system.
CVE-2024-24810 1 Firegiant 1 Wix Toolset 2024-02-14 N/A 7.8 HIGH
WiX toolset lets developers create installers for Windows Installer, the Windows installation engine. The .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges. This impacts any installer built with the WiX installer framework. This issue has been patched in version 4.0.4.
CVE-2024-24697 2024-02-14 N/A 7.2 HIGH
Untrusted search path in some Zoom 32 bit Windows clients may allow an authenticated user to conduct an escalation of privilege via local access.
CVE-2024-23304 1 Cybozu 1 Kunai 2024-02-13 N/A 7.5 HIGH
Cybozu KUNAI for Android 3.0.20 to 3.0.21 allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to cause a denial-of-service (DoS) condition by performing certain operations.
CVE-2021-4435 1 Yarnpkg 1 Yarn 2024-02-13 N/A 7.8 HIGH
An untrusted search path vulnerability was found in Yarn. When a victim runs certain Yarn commands in a directory with attacker-controlled content, malicious commands could be executed in unexpected ways.
CVE-2022-35868 1 Siemens 2 Tia Multiuser Server, Tia Project-server 2024-02-08 N/A 6.7 MEDIUM
A vulnerability has been identified in TIA Multiuser Server V14 (All versions), TIA Multiuser Server V15 (All versions < V15.1 Update 8), TIA Project-Server  (All versions < V1.1), TIA Project-Server V16 (All versions), TIA Project-Server V17 (All versions < V17 Update 6). Affected applications contain an untrusted search path vulnerability that could allow an attacker to escalate privileges, when tricking a legitimate user to start the service from an attacker controlled path.
CVE-2024-22190 1 Gitpython Project 1 Gitpython 2024-02-05 N/A 7.8 HIGH
GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. There is an incomplete fix for CVE-2023-40590. On Windows, GitPython uses an untrusted search path if it uses a shell to run `git`, as well as when it runs `bash.exe` to interpret hooks. If either of those features are used on Windows, a malicious `git.exe` or `bash.exe` may be run from an untrusted repository. This issue has been patched in version 3.1.41.
CVE-2023-48670 1 Dell 1 Supportassist For Home Pcs 2024-02-05 N/A 7.8 HIGH
Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs version 3.14.1 and prior versions contain a privilege escalation vulnerability in the installer. A local low privileged authenticated attacker may potentially exploit this vulnerability, leading to the execution of arbitrary executable on the operating system with elevated privileges.
CVE-2024-22410 2 Gluwa, Microsoft 2 Creditcoin, Windows 2024-02-05 N/A 7.8 HIGH
Creditcoin is a network that enables cross-blockchain credit transactions. The Windows binary of the Creditcoin node loads a suite of DLLs provided by Microsoft at startup. If a malicious user has access to overwrite the program files directory it is possible to replace these DLLs and execute arbitrary code. It is the view of the blockchain development team that the threat posed by a hypothetical binary planting attack is minimal and represents a low-security risk. The vulnerable DLL files are from the Windows networking subsystem, the Visual C++ runtime, and low-level cryptographic primitives. Collectively these dependencies are required for a large ecosystem of applications, ranging from enterprise-level security applications to game engines, and don’t represent a fundamental lack of security or oversight in the design and implementation of Creditcoin. The blockchain team takes the stance that running Creditcoin on Windows is officially unsupported and at best should be thought of as experimental.
CVE-2023-39202 1 Zoom 2 Rooms, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 2024-02-05 N/A 5.5 MEDIUM
Untrusted search path in Zoom Rooms Client for Windows and Zoom VDI Client may allow a privileged user to conduct a denial of service via local access.
CVE-2023-26031 1 Apache 1 Hadoop 2024-02-05 N/A 7.5 HIGH
Relative library resolution in linux container-executor binary in Apache Hadoop 3.3.1-3.3.4 on Linux allows local user to gain root privileges. If the YARN cluster is accepting work from remote (authenticated) users, this MAY permit remote users to gain root privileges. Hadoop 3.3.0 updated the " YARN Secure Containers " to add a feature for executing user-submitted applications in isolated linux containers. The native binary HADOOP_HOME/bin/container-executor is used to launch these containers; it must be owned by root and have the suid bit set in order for the YARN processes to run the containers as the specific users submitting the jobs. The patch " YARN-10495 . make the rpath of container-executor configurable" modified the library loading path for loading .so files from "$ORIGIN/" to ""$ORIGIN/:../lib/native/". This is the a path through which is located. Thus it is is possible for a user with reduced privileges to install a malicious libcrypto library into a path to which they have write access, invoke the container-executor command, and have their modified library executed as root. If the YARN cluster is accepting work from remote (authenticated) users, and these users' submitted job are executed in the physical host, rather than a container, then the CVE permits remote users to gain root privileges. The fix for the vulnerability is to revert the change, which is done in YARN-11441 , "Revert YARN-10495". This patch is in hadoop-3.3.5. To determine whether a version of container-executor is vulnerable, use the readelf command. If the RUNPATH or RPATH value contains the relative path "./lib/native/" then it is at risk $ readelf -d container-executor|grep 'RUNPATH\|RPATH' 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH)           Library runpath: [$ORIGIN/:../lib/native/] If it does not, then it is safe: $ readelf -d container-executor|grep 'RUNPATH\|RPATH' 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH)           Library runpath: [$ORIGIN/] For an at-risk version of container-executor to enable privilege escalation, the owner must be root and the suid bit must be set $ ls -laF /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor ---Sr-s---. 1 root hadoop 802968 May 9 20:21 /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor A safe installation lacks the suid bit; ideally is also not owned by root. $ ls -laF /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor -rwxr-xr-x. 1 yarn hadoop 802968 May 9 20:21 /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor This configuration does not support Yarn Secure Containers, but all other hadoop services, including YARN job execution outside secure containers continue to work.
CVE-2023-41840 1 Fortinet 1 Forticlient 2024-02-05 N/A 7.8 HIGH
A untrusted search path vulnerability in Fortinet FortiClientWindows 7.0.9 allows an attacker to perform a DLL Hijack attack via a malicious OpenSSL engine library in the search path.