Vulnerabilities (CVE)

Filtered by CWE-1321
Total 254 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2024-21512 2024-06-06 N/A 8.2 HIGH
Versions of the package mysql2 before 3.9.8 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution due to improper user input sanitization passed to fields and tables when using nestTables.
CVE-2022-37598 1 Uglifyjs Project 1 Uglifyjs 2024-06-04 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
** DISPUTED ** Prototype pollution vulnerability in function DEFNODE in ast.js in mishoo UglifyJS 3.13.2 via the name variable in ast.js. NOTE: the vendor considers this an invalid report.
CVE-2022-4742 2024-05-17 6.5 MEDIUM 9.8 CRITICAL
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in json-pointer up to 0.6.1. Affected by this issue is the function set of the file index.js. The manipulation leads to improperly controlled modification of object prototype attributes ('prototype pollution'). The attack may be launched remotely. Upgrading to version 0.6.2 is able to address this issue. The patch is identified as 859c9984b6c407fc2d5a0a7e47c7274daa681941. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. VDB-216794 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.
CVE-2021-4279 2024-05-17 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
A vulnerability has been found in Starcounter-Jack JSON-Patch up to 3.1.0 and classified as problematic. This vulnerability affects unknown code. The manipulation leads to improperly controlled modification of object prototype attributes ('prototype pollution'). The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. Upgrading to version 3.1.1 is able to address this issue. The name of the patch is 7ad6af41eabb2d799f698740a91284d762c955c9. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. VDB-216778 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.
CVE-2021-4278 2024-05-17 N/A 7.8 HIGH
A vulnerability classified as problematic has been found in cronvel tree-kit up to 0.6.x. This affects an unknown part. The manipulation leads to improperly controlled modification of object prototype attributes ('prototype pollution'). Upgrading to version 0.7.0 is able to address this issue. The name of the patch is a63f559c50d70e8cb2eaae670dec25d1dbc4afcd. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. The identifier VDB-216765 was assigned to this vulnerability.
CVE-2021-4264 2024-05-17 N/A 8.8 HIGH
A vulnerability was found in LinkedIn dustjs up to 2.x and classified as problematic. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality. The manipulation leads to improperly controlled modification of object prototype attributes ('prototype pollution'). The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. Upgrading to version 3.0.0 is able to address this issue. The name of the patch is ddb6523832465d38c9d80189e9de60519ac307c3. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-216464.
CVE-2021-42581 1 Ramdajs 1 Ramda 2024-05-17 6.4 MEDIUM 9.1 CRITICAL
** DISPUTED ** Prototype poisoning in function mapObjIndexed in Ramda 0.27.0 and earlier allows attackers to compromise integrity or availability of application via supplying a crafted object (that contains an own property "__proto__") as an argument to the function. NOTE: the vendor disputes this because the observed behavior only means that a user can create objects that the user didn't know would contain custom prototypes.
CVE-2020-36632 2024-05-17 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in hughsk flat up to 5.0.0. This affects the function unflatten of the file index.js. The manipulation leads to improperly controlled modification of object prototype attributes ('prototype pollution'). It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. Upgrading to version 5.0.1 is able to address this issue. The name of the patch is 20ef0ef55dfa028caddaedbcb33efbdb04d18e13. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. The identifier VDB-216777 was assigned to this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-34698 2024-05-14 N/A 4.6 MEDIUM
FreeScout is a free, self-hosted help desk and shared mailbox. Versions of FreeScout prior to 1.8.139 contain a Prototype Pollution vulnerability in the `/public/js/main.js` source file. The Prototype Pollution arises because the `getQueryParam` Function recursively merges an object containing user-controllable properties into an existing object (For URL Query Parameters Parsing), without first sanitizing the keys. This can allow an attacker to inject a property with a key `__proto__`, along with arbitrarily nested properties. The merge operation assigns the nested properties to the `params` object's prototype instead of the target object itself. As a result, the attacker can pollute the prototype with properties containing harmful values, which are then inherited by user-defined objects and subsequently used by the application dangerously. The vulnerability lets an attacker control properties of objects that would otherwise be inaccessible. If the application subsequently handles an attacker-controlled property in an unsafe way, this can potentially be chained with other vulnerabilities like DOM-based XSS, Open Redirection, Cookie Manipulation, Link Manipulation, HTML Injection, etc. Version 1.8.139 contains a patch for the issue.
CVE-2022-37601 2 Debian, Webpack.js 2 Debian Linux, Loader-utils 2024-05-14 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
Prototype pollution vulnerability in function parseQuery in parseQuery.js in webpack loader-utils via the name variable in parseQuery.js. This affects all versions prior to 1.4.1 and 2.0.3.
CVE-2024-32866 2024-04-24 N/A 8.6 HIGH
Conform, a type-safe form validation library, allows the parsing of nested objects in the form of ``. Due to an improper implementation of this feature in versions prior to 1.1.1, an attacker can exploit the feature to trigger prototype pollution by passing a crafted input to `parseWith...` functions. Applications that use conform for server-side validation of form data or URL parameters are affected by this vulnerability. Version 1.1.1 contains a patch for the issue.
CVE-2024-21509 2024-04-10 N/A 6.5 MEDIUM
Versions of the package mysql2 before 3.9.4 are vulnerable to Prototype Poisoning due to insecure results object creation and improper user input sanitization passed through parserFn in text_parser.js and binary_parser.js.
CVE-2024-21505 2024-03-25 N/A 7.5 HIGH
Versions of the package web3-utils before 4.2.1 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via the utility functions format and mergeDeep, due to insecure recursive merge. An attacker can manipulate an object's prototype, potentially leading to the alteration of the behavior of all objects inheriting from the affected prototype by passing specially crafted input to these functions.
CVE-2023-36665 1 Protobufjs Project 1 Protobufjs 2024-03-19 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
protobuf.js (aka protobufjs) 6.10.0 through 7.x before 7.2.4 allows Prototype Pollution, a different vulnerability than CVE-2022-25878. A user-controlled protobuf message can be used by an attacker to pollute the prototype of Object.prototype by adding and overwriting its data and functions. Exploitation can involve: (1) using the function parse to parse protobuf messages on the fly, (2) loading .proto files by using load/loadSync functions, or (3) providing untrusted input to the functions ReflectionObject.setParsedOption and util.setProperty. NOTE: this CVE Record is about "Object.constructor.prototype.<new-property> = ...;" whereas CVE-2022-25878 was about "Object.__proto__.<new-property> = ...;" instead.
CVE-2024-2495 2024-03-15 N/A 5.2 MEDIUM
Cryptographic key vulnerability encoded in the FriendlyWrt firmware affecting version 2022-11-16.51b3d35. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to compromise the confidentiality and integrity of encrypted data.
CVE-2023-0842 1 Xml2js Project 1 Xml2js 2024-03-14 N/A 5.3 MEDIUM
xml2js version 0.4.23 allows an external attacker to edit or add new properties to an object. This is possible because the application does not properly validate incoming JSON keys, thus allowing the __proto__ property to be edited.
CVE-2022-2564 1 Mongoosejs 1 Mongoose 2024-03-12 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
Prototype Pollution in GitHub repository automattic/mongoose prior to 6.4.6.
CVE-2024-27307 2024-03-06 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
JSONata is a JSON query and transformation language. Starting in version 1.4.0 and prior to version 1.8.7 and 2.0.4, a malicious expression can use the transform operator to override properties on the `Object` constructor and prototype. This may lead to denial of service, remote code execution or other unexpected behavior in applications that evaluate user-provided JSONata expressions. This issue has been fixed in JSONata versions 1.8.7 and 2.0.4. Applications that evaluate user-provided expressions should update ASAP to prevent exploitation. As a workaround, one may apply the patch manually.
CVE-2023-26136 1 Salesforce 1 Tough-cookie 2024-02-28 N/A 9.8 CRITICAL
Versions of the package tough-cookie before 4.1.3 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution due to improper handling of Cookies when using CookieJar in rejectPublicSuffixes=false mode. This issue arises from the manner in which the objects are initialized.
CVE-2018-3721 2 Lodash, Netapp 3 Lodash, Active Iq Unified Manager, System Manager 2024-02-16 4.0 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
lodash node module before 4.17.5 suffers from a Modification of Assumed-Immutable Data (MAID) vulnerability via defaultsDeep, merge, and mergeWith functions, which allows a malicious user to modify the prototype of "Object" via __proto__, causing the addition or modification of an existing property that will exist on all objects.