
In ConnectWise Control through 22.9.10032 (formerly known as ScreenConnect), after an executable file is signed, additional instructions can be added without invalidating the signature, such as instructions that result in offering the end user a (different) attacker-controlled executable file. It is plausible that the end user may allow the download and execution of this file to proceed. There are ConnectWise Control configuration options that add mitigations. NOTE: this may overlap CVE-2023-25719. NOTE: the vendor's position is that this purported vulnerability represents a "fundamental lack of understanding of Authenticode code signing behavior."

Configuration 1 (hide)



21 Nov 2024, 07:49

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  • (es) En ConnectWise Control hasta 22.9.10032 (anteriormente conocido como ScreenConnect), después de firmar un archivo ejecutable, se pueden agregar instrucciones adicionales sin invalidar la firma, como instrucciones que dan como resultado ofrecer al usuario final un archivo ejecutable (diferente) controlado por el atacante. Es posible que el usuario final permita que se realice la descarga y ejecución de este archivo. Hay opciones de configuración de ConnectWise Control que agregan mitigaciones. NOTA: esto puede superponerse a CVE-2023-25719. NOTA: la posición del proveedor es que esta supuesta vulnerabilidad representa una "falta fundamental de comprensión del comportamiento de firma del código Authenticode".
References () - Not Applicable () - Not Applicable
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22 Aug 2023, 19:16

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Summary In ConnectWise Control through 22.9.10032 (formerly known as ScreenConnect), after an executable file is signed, additional instructions can be added without invalidating the signature, such as instructions that result in offering the end user a (different) attacker-controlled executable file. It is plausible that the end user may allow the download and execution of this file to proceed. There are ConnectWise Control configuration options that add mitigations. NOTE: this may overlap CVE-2023-25719. ** DISPUTED ** In ConnectWise Control through 22.9.10032 (formerly known as ScreenConnect), after an executable file is signed, additional instructions can be added without invalidating the signature, such as instructions that result in offering the end user a (different) attacker-controlled executable file. It is plausible that the end user may allow the download and execution of this file to proceed. There are ConnectWise Control configuration options that add mitigations. NOTE: this may overlap CVE-2023-25719. NOTE: the vendor's position is that this purported vulnerability represents a "fundamental lack of understanding of Authenticode code signing behavior."

05 Mar 2023, 20:15

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Summary The cryptographic code signing process and controls on ConnectWise Control through 22.9.10032 (formerly known as ScreenConnect) are cryptographically flawed. An attacker can remotely generate or locally alter file contents and bypass code-signing controls. This can be used to execute code as a trusted application provider, escalate privileges, or execute arbitrary commands in the context of the user. The attacker tampers with a trusted, signed executable in transit. In ConnectWise Control through 22.9.10032 (formerly known as ScreenConnect), after an executable file is signed, additional instructions can be added without invalidating the signature, such as instructions that result in offering the end user a (different) attacker-controlled executable file. It is plausible that the end user may allow the download and execution of this file to proceed. There are ConnectWise Control configuration options that add mitigations. NOTE: this may overlap CVE-2023-25719.
  • (MISC) -
  • (MISC) -

23 Feb 2023, 15:24

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Published : 2023-02-13 20:15

Updated : 2024-11-21 07:49

NVD link : CVE-2023-25718

Mitre link : CVE-2023-25718

CVE.ORG link : CVE-2023-25718

JSON object : View

Products Affected


  • control

Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature